The Meaning Behind the Art

  • All These Things Shall be for Thy Good

    "For thy Good" In 2011 after the massive tsunami that hit Japan and caused such catastrophic destruction and so many casualties, it had me think...
  • For God So Loved the World

       In this nativity depiction I wanted to portray the Christ child being held under His arms so that He resembles the position He would later hav...
  • Each Day is a Miracle

       Meet Lewis Nielson. Lewis is a model for Beaux-Arts Academy. He is not only interesting to draw, but he has an interesting story that I want ...
  • The Condescension of God

          “The Condescension of God” Oil on board 16 x 33 2018     In preparing to paint this nativity scene, I began some research into cultural and...
  • A Journey to find Answers

       This is a painting of my ancestor Lumon Andros Shurtliff who was introduced to the restored Gospel but struggled for quite a while trying to...